... This little boy stole my heart the minute I knew he was coming ...
I jokingly asked Ben, “I wonder if he knows how much we LOVE him?” He looked over at me and said “oooh he knows.” And really I hope he does.
This little boy stole my heart the minute I knew he was coming. I went through my pregnancy not knowing if he were a boy or girl, I could care less I just wanted our baby.
We receive advise from family, friends, and even random strangers. They tell us the good, the bad, and the in-between about parenthood. They tell us how much we will love them, how they will change our lives, how before we know it, they will be adults so to make sure we cherish every minute with them. But the one thing that was never advised to us was that no matter how strong you will feel at the same time you will feel incredibly weak.
We are strong mamma’s, we will do anything for our littles, and we are also fragile as our hearts are these babies walking around outside of our bodies.
... mama there is a virus going around the world hurting people...
Today Benson, said to me “mama there is a virus going around the world hurting people” … my heart stopped. A little piece of me shattered. We have been doing the best we can to keep him away from the vast uncertainty. I took a few seconds and got down to his level and did my best to explain the current very PG version of our new world. After I was done, I asked him how he felt about it and he said “it's ok because everything will be ok.” At which I reply, “that’s right buddy everything will be ok.”
There is no handbook, we are all doing the best we can. Somedays I give myself grace and somedays I tend to be too hard on myself. If this is, you today mamma give yourself grace. One of the things we have always heard over and over is “it takes a village” but now it seems that we are doing it without our village and it is flipping hard. So, give yourself Grace. Give yourself the ability to say “today was not a great day but tomorrow is a new day.“
And if it all fails … GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO SNUGGLE WITH YOUR BABIES AND WATCH SOME NETFLIX/DISNEY+ because we can hit restart tomorrow!
I appreciate you so much. Be safe. Be well.
Sending love, virtual hugs, all the very best in health, warm cuddles & extra long naps!
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