Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
What is Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep?
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep remembrance photography validates the existence and presence of these precious babies by honoring their legacy.
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep gifts bereaved parents with an intimate portrait session that they cannot create for themselves. Our photographers will deliver heirloom images in black and white to preserve a timeless look that will last for generations.
As a mother of two Rainbow babies it is an honor to be an affiliate photographer and gift the gift of a treasure to other mommas during such a heartbreaking season of their lives.
If you would like to book a Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep portrait session please click the button below. It will take you to the official website, you will submit your zip code and connect with the area dispatcher. The process will then begin for you. They will connect you with your specific local photographer.
You are also given the opportunity to specifically request any affiliate photographer of your choice. If you would like to request me please feel free to relate it to your dispatcher at the time of information intake. And I will do my absolute best to be available for the request. I know how hard this season of life can be for mommas and the loss of a little baby can come at anytime and so I am available to you for this type of a portrait session 24 hours of the day.
My hugs, support, and love to all my mommas and daddies going through this difficult seasons. From a momma that has gone thru my on baby loss, I find strength knowing our angel babies are now part of us, who will always be with us and will stay with us forever.
A Very Sweet Little Thank You